I was about to finish the book when I suddenly realized I didnt want it to finish. Never thought I would read a detective novel in one breath coz I was never a fan. But JK Rowling's made me change my mind. It was quite hard to start reading anything written by her after Harry Potter. I thought of her like of kinda mother of Harry and all his pure world, magic world, world with giant spiders, dragons and Qidditch. And her firs book after Potteriada put me out in a way - teenagers, drugs, sex and so on. In my world, real world I used to live in when I was a teenager there was nothing like that so that book really made me feel confused, didnt feel like the real deal. But the second book was much easier coz I didnt look at it as smth of old kind. I considered it as just a detective novel. After that it was extremely easy to read and I got real pleasure doing this. So as an outcome - never expect anything) just enjoy reading. Whats next? I feel like going back to Fitzgerald again. Need some beauty and romance for a change.
среда, 26 марта 2014
Я не сильна в английском...) это о ее последней книге? Если да, долго ее пыталась найти, когда начались продажи. Плакаты в магазинах висели, а книги не было
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Сейчас есть уже точно и на английском и на русском.Алисун,
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v0hfkm, надо будет найти)
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